We’ve all faced the difficulties of remaining productive during the holidays. In fact, the distractions during December are nearly impossible to...
The history of the 25 in 25® Exercise Challenge
In 2000 I decided to try something with my family to keep them active during the holiday season. I created the 25 in 25® exercise challenge. Whoever...
#MeToo Made Me Think I Was Ill
The symptoms started with a few pounds on the scale in just a couple of weeks. A few pounds on a 5’2 100lbs ish person is noticeable, and I could...
Status: Weary, Tired, and Worn Out
I try not to answer “how are you?” with “I’m tired,” but today, I have three times because I...
Marcey Rader reviews the Life Equals Balance the Superfood Shot® – Turmeric Blend
For Balance Superfood Shots, visit https://lifeequals.com use the code RAD50 for 50% off your first order
Accidents of inconvenience
A few weeks ago I had so many accidents in one week it was comical. Sunday morning, before meeting friends for brunch, I went on a one-hour bike...
Someday is my Four-Letter Word
I’m a natural goal setter, but sometimes we set goals for the future so we can make an excuse not to take action right now. Someday has become...
Is Your Coffee Drink Killing your Productivity?
I’m Marcey Rader, and I’m a former sugarholic. I used to eat a treat every night after dinner, couldn’t board a plane without a Frappuccino in my...
3 Ways Good Sleep Can Make You More Successful at Work
Wake up, sleepyhead! It’s not even lunchtime yet and you’re fading fast on us. Guess you shouldn’t have stayed up until 2 AM binge watching that one...