Marcey Rader
Marcey Rader RaderCo Productivity Business Coach and Professional Keynote Speaker
Seven Things to do When Renting a Car

Seven Things to do When Renting a Car

Have you ever rented a car and forgot what it looked like, spending several minutes wandering around a parking lot?

Have you been late arriving at the airport because you counted on the airport exit to have a gas station?

If you are renting a car, here are seven things you should do.

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Do you ever finish your day and think about all the things you didn’t get done?
Do you feel like you’re constantly living off of someone else’s agenda?
Does the clock play tricks on you and suddenly it’s two hours later, and your work is still sitting there?

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Discriminate to concentrate

Discriminate to concentrate

Do you ever find yourself focusing intently on a task that isn’t revenue-producing but makes you feel good because you’re able to check a box when finished?

Do you think because you’ve checked off all those boxes at the end of the day that you’re productive and efficient?

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