Marcey Rader
Marcey Rader RaderCo Productivity Business Coach and Professional Keynote Speaker
Easy Holiday Packing for the On-The-Go Badass

Easy Holiday Packing for the On-The-Go Badass

Do you leave packing to the very last minute and end up staring at it while asking yourself, “what do I do now?”

No matter how often you travel, if you don’t have a strategy and the tools necessary to make packing a cinch, the experience can be an overwhelming and daunting task.

For this holiday season take all the yuck and “I don’t wanna!” out of loading your suitcase by following these three simple steps.

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Portion Distortion

Portion Distortion

Twenty years ago a serving of soda was considered 6.5 ounces. A bottle of Coke was sold to serve three people, whereas now a 20-ounce serving is the norm. How can you trick yourself in this super-size world?

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Party! Booze! Sugar! Business Travel Rocks!

At home do you….
Exercise, wind down at 8pm, make sure you eat at least one vegetable, stick to 1-2 cups of coffee, stop at one cookie, and stop checking email after 9?
When you travel do you…
Hit snooze, check email until 11pm, eat fast food, drink coffee all day long, take advantage of the corporate per diem at the bar, keep yourself awake by eating cookies all afternoon and forget what a vegetable is?

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Healthy People are Boring. Productivity is Rigid.

Healthy People are Boring. Productivity is Rigid.

How many times have you heard this or thought this yourself?

Do you feel like your friends, families or co-workers sabotage you?

Are you afraid you’ll lose your spontaneity and be licensed to a life of routine?

Do you think that you will never celebrate a birthday with a piece of cake or be able to work creatively because you’re on a schedule?

Enough already. Healthy people are fun. Productive people are fun. You’re just making excuses not to uplevel.

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