It’s time to conduct an annual systems tool audit. You may find you’re wasting money, time, or not using it for maximum effectiveness.

Screen-free lunch
Marcey shares the importance of taking a screen-free lunch for your health-powered productivity in the afternoon. You may end up eating 30% fewer calories! If you eat most of your meals in front of a screen, consider starting with one lunch a week screen-free with a goal that on most days than not, you’ll step away from the desk.
Video office hours
Do you feel like your first name has become Siri, Alexa, Echo, or Hey Google? A solution that results in a win-win is implementing video office hours.
Calendar rejections
Do you struggle with saying no to endless meeting requests? Here are strategies for saying no while being respectful to your time and the requestor.
Trust and Working Remotely
Remote employees work an average of two extra hours per day. So why do you still have a hard time trusting them?
Intention or Distraction
Is it technically a distraction if you procrastinate by doing something with intention? Can we consider our inbox a distraction if we choose to go there?
Home Inventory Video
A home inventory is a video you’ll wish you had if something happens to your home. It doesn’t take long and doesn’t have to be professional-quality.
Why companies will never get out of email hell
Do you feel like no matter how many hacks you employ and announcements go out, your company will never get out of email hell? I'm here to tell you...
How I became debt-free at 46.
When I tell people I own my home and have no credit card debt, I’m always asked how I became debt-free at 46.