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Marcey Coffee

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Techniques Top Performers Use to Stay Focused at Work

Do you get distracted by people when you’re focusing on something important at work?
You’re not alone. On average, 84.4% of people are distracted at work. This research also states that co-workers (27%) are one of the most common distractions. This has a huge business cost as companies lose out on substantial profit and 720 hours a year per person working.

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3 Easy Ways to Say No.

3 Easy Ways to Say No.

 "Thanks so much for the invite! I won't be able to make it because I'm taking the weekend to regroup after a hectic week. It looks like it'll be a great event. Have an amazing time!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udaV_U85LvI Marcey Rader offers you an...

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