Are blogs dead?

by | Productivity

Declutter digital life

Here's my penultimate blog post summary, explaining why I have only one post left because, for now, most blogs are dead.

Attending the National Speakers Association conferences this year, I immersed myself in artificial intelligence (AI) sessions. I repeatedly raised a pressing question: “Are blogs dead?” The consensus was affirmative. SEO has evolved—no more keyword stuffing; it's all about quality and relevance. AI content, often optimized for search engines over readers, floods the internet with shallow content. People crave depth and originality.

Zero Click Searches: A Game-Changer

Generative AI now dominates search engines. Search results provide instant answers without needing to click through to websites, a phenomenon known as “zero-click search.” This act reduces traffic to blogs. With AI making content creation easier, standing out in the crowded digital space has become more complicated.

Zero Click Searches- A Game-Changer

Authenticity in an AI World

Skepticism toward AI content is growing—people can sense when content is machine-generated. My analogy is that it's like Botox when overused. It’s evident and off-putting. At RaderCo, we use AI strategically. I draft podcast episodes and refine them with tools like ChatGPT, but I never let AI fully take over.

Enhancement, Not Replacement

Tools like CastMagic and Grammarly enhance my work, not replace it. CastMagic helps with podcast summaries and titles, while Grammarly polishes my writing. I’ve learned to balance AI integration, using it to enhance my voice rather than replace it.

Time to Reflect and Redirect

AI tools like ChatGPT are becoming primary search resources but aren't always accurate. Plus, blogging takes time—time better spent elsewhere. As we approach our 100th podcast episode, I’m reflecting on priorities. Our podcast has been a valuable resource and created the library of training that I wanted to give my clients. It’s time to shift focus.

Shifting Priorities

Producing a 15-minute podcast episode and corresponding blog takes about three hours, and I’m ready to redirect that effort. They remain a resource, and we would never have guessed that teams would use them as pre-meeting work to discuss. Stay tuned for what's next in the RaderCo world.

For more, check out our episode on “Sunsetting Programs and Rebuilding from Ashes.”

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