How to build your business and not become a bore

by | Productivity

Marcey Bored

Are you a business owner that puts your health on the backburner until you make X amount of money?
Do you work days, nights and weekends and miss out on the flexibility that being a business owner is supposed to bring?

Build your business without becoming a bore.

When I first started my business, I was consumed with it. As the primary gluten-free breadwinner for most of our marriage, I had six months and only six months to start generating income. That BS of 2-3 years to turn a profit was not going to work in my household. I lived, breathed, ate, slept and showered to business building. Then one day, my husband said

NOOOOO!!!! You cannot say anything worse to me. That is not how I want to be perceived, especially by my husband, but he was right. Thankfully, my diagnosis with Hashimoto's Disease six months into starting my business gave me a whole new perspective. What is the point of being in charge if I let my health suffer? What does flexibility in a schedule benefit if I never take advantage of it? I know for a fact that taking time away helps people be more productive when back in the swing of things, yet I wasn't doing it.

With all the pressure to produce and generate revenue, I had stopped walking my talk.

The first thing I did was start scheduling in monthly dates with my girlfriends. One had been ongoing for about five years and another even longer, but I was more intentional and made sure it happened without fail. These weren't friends who owned businesses or didn't depend on them for their income, so it made it easier for me because we tried to talk about everything but work, or just dabbled in it, but I knew they weren't interested in MailChimp campaigns, pricing strategies, and my pipeline.

One of my clients, Helen Moses, owned a business and felt the pressure to generate revenue, be a great Mom, serve as a District Toastmaster and take care of her health. Instead of one thing slipping a lot, there were small enough slips that it took some time to add up before she felt the ramifications.

Marcey helped me in numerous ways, from cleaning out my inboxes and establishing routines for processing new emails as they come in, to figuring out simple ways to incorporate more movement into my days. One of the best parts of working with Marcey is her follow-up. She checks in to see how I'm doing and provides endless encouragement. She meets you where you are and helps you get where you want to go. There is no doubt that she genuinely cares about each of her clients and me. Every penny spent with Marcey is worth it. – Helen Moses

For some business owners, it has been incorporating a Virtual Assistant into their life that fits their needs, not the needs of another company or the stock offerings of a typical service.

“Marcey transformed my previous experience of hiring a warm body into a systematic and targeted recruiting and interview process that generated four strong candidates in a matter of a week and a new Virtual Assistant. I now have the headspace I need and can go into a weekend with a relaxed feeling.” – Stephanie Scotti

Don't become a business-owning bore. Contact us today to learn about our coaching programs!

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