If a journalist followed you for a day, would they say that you walk your talk and your priorities? Or would your actions tell a different story?
Health-related articles and videos that focus on sustainable habits in areas of nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress management, with a particular emphasis on autoimmune issues.

Conference Prep and Return: Tips to Maximize Benefits
With smart planning, energy management, and effective follow-ups, you can maximize your conference prep and return.
Vacation Unplugged: Mastering the Art of Taking Time Off From Work
Do you dread your vacation because you have to work at breakneck speed to prepare, only to return to an overflowing inbox? You’re not alone. Many Americans struggle to disconnect, creating a cycle of anticipatory stress that affects not just us but our travel companions as well.
My TEDx Experience from Preparation to Post-Event
My TEDx preparation, delivery, and follow-up with my personal insights and impactful lessons earned from rehearsal to the stage.
Self-Care: Why It’s Not Just On You, But Your Company Too
If you’re in a leadership role, ask yourself: What workplace pressures are making your team members desperately need that #SelfCare?
Joy Of Opting Out
Feeling trapped in the social media scroll or constantly attending events out of fear you’ll miss something exciting? I flipped the script with JOOO – the Joy Of Opting Out.
Why Snackable Moments Are Your New Productivity Hack
Ever find yourself so swamped that you barely have time to grab a bite, let alone hit the gym? We’ve all been there. So let’s talk about the magic of “snacking”—not just food-wise, but life-wise.
Say Goodbye to Screen Lunches
Growing up, many of us were no strangers to eating in front of the TV. Holidays might have meant gathering at the dining table, but on a regular...
Stop Inviting Your Company to Bed
It’s high time to reclaim your sacred space. Stop inviting your boss or manager into bed with you, and put yourself first. Your family, health, and personal well-being deserve top billing, not your inbox.