A home inventory is a video you’ll wish you had if something happens to your home. It doesn’t take long and doesn’t have to be professional-quality.
Organizing in the digital and physical space can help with the organization of our thoughts. This can help decrease decision fatigue and overwhelm.

Ways to Manage your Time Wisely
This infographic about ways to manage your time wisely is speaking my mind. I plan out my top tasks the night before, but always start my day with a...
Travel Packing Lists
What items are you most likely to forget?
Your power cord? Underoos? A toothbrush?
Have you traveled all day without hangry snacks and wanted to fight someone for their peanuts?
Stop wingin’ it and use a list.
Super Organized or Organized Enough?
Are you spending an extra hour hyper-organizing or could you spend it doing something more productive? I think there needs to be a balance. At some point, there are diminishing returns for spending your time organizing and making things ‘just so’.
Five Things I’ve Learned About Packing For Travel
1) You probably don’t need it. Be realistic with how much time you’ll have, where you are going and what you will do. If you are going to be in meetings from 8am-8pm, you probably don’t need a casual outfit beyond what you wear on the plane.
Five Things I’ve Learned About Organizing a Home Office
Five Things I've Learned About Organizing a Home Office 1. You will take up as much room as you give yourself. I used to have a very large desk and...