Do you dread your vacation because you have to work at breakneck speed to prepare, only to return to an overflowing inbox? You’re not alone. Many Americans struggle to disconnect, creating a cycle of anticipatory stress that affects not just us but our travel companions as well.
Healthy habits on the road to survive the tarmac treadmill, maintain your relationships, and stay on top of your work.

Digital Downsizing: Embracing True Presence in a Connected World
In June, I had a revelation that may redefine how you interact with the world around you. I'm talking about a whole new level of presence and...
Rethinking Business Travel Mental Health
Here are some ideas to provide mental health services to your road warriors to keep them emotionally healthy on the road.
Rethinking Business Travel Exercise
This is part two of a three-part series on rethinking business travel policies and how to support your road warriors on the road.
Rethinking Business Travel Nutrition
Heavy business travel without some level of discipline and willpower isn’t healthy or sustainable. Eventually, your body may get used to going on less sleep, eating chemically concocted vending machine delicacies, and skipping your workouts.
Ten Essential Travel Products
There are a lot of different things I could live without when I travel, but I don’t want to. Here are ten essential travel products I use on the road.
Staying healthy while traveling
Staying on-point and motivated when you’re traveling or vacationing is the opposite of what you’re supposed to do, this is a precious part of the...
Fifteen Ways I Stayed Healthy, Worked Well and Played More in Dubai.
I recently had the honor and privilege of working with 100 of the top executives of Emaar Properties in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Emaar is the...
three T tips to survive the tarmac treadmill
Marcey Rader, founder of RaderCo, Travel Productivity and Health Speaker, Coach, and Author of the...