Imagine a journalist shadowing your day. You'd outline your top priorities—personal and professional—and they would follow you from dawn to dusk, scrutinizing your every move. Would they find you living aligned with those priorities, or would your actions tell a different story?
Reality Check: Priorities in Actions vs. Words
We've all been there. We proclaim that family comes first but miss important events due to work commitments. My TEDx talk, “The Relentless Pursuit of More,” highlighted my struggles with this issue. I told myself I valued my husband, yet my actions often didn't match up. Traveling all week for business, only to spend weekends training for triathlons, left little quality time together. I prioritized health, but not enough to stop checking emails and go to bed on time.

Client Stories: Learning from Misalignment
Jada believed in putting family first. Yet she missed several of her son's basketball games, including his winning free throw, due to last-minute work tasks and meetings. She felt guilty but couldn't resist the urge to answer one more email or attend one last meeting.
Brad faced prediabetes and stressed that his health was a priority. However, the journalist documenting his life never saw him exercise. His sedentary workday and frequent Chik-Fil-A stops painted a different picture.
Kai, newly married and driven to climb the corporate ladder, took up heading a new market launch right when their partner was diagnosed with cancer. Despite promises to be there for chemo appointments, work commitments took precedence. Kai later realized that while work opportunities were endless, their time with their partner was finite.
The Misalignment Problem
Common theme: Actions often don't match priorities. Do you ignore your kids for scrolling Instagram or ESPN newsfeeds or choose the latest episode instead of going for a walk? Even Netflix's CEO admits their biggest competitor is ….sleep.
One Solution: The Powered Path Program
Addressing this misalignment requires constant awareness and reevaluation. Enter the Powered Path Program— an hour-long online productivity course paired with a digital or physical playbook. This tool helps you set and continually review your top three personal and top three professional priorities, be it annually, quarterly, monthly, or even weekly.
I've followed this regimen for almost a decade.
My current quarterly priorities:
- Professional: New speaker reel, website update, book chapters.
- Personal: Complete 50 by 50 list, daily quiet time, support my husband in his health decisions.
For accountability, I write, share, and review these with friends and colleagues.
Making It Tangible: Your Personal Accountability
Reflect on these questions: Are you writing down your priorities? Are you sharing them with others? Knowing we'll be held accountable can make a huge difference.
I hold quarterly reflections with close friends and weekly meetings with my husband to review our 90-day visions and priorities. These sessions keep me honest and help ensure my actions align with my priorities.
Invite the Journalist in
Live a life where your actions match your words. Let scrutiny reveal a story of proper alignment and fulfillment. Start walking your talk today, making conscious choices towards a balanced life.
Aligning your actions with your priorities goes beyond setting intentions; it requires consistent effort, accountability, and the readiness to make hard choices. Let today mark the beginning of walking your talk, making conscious decisions toward living a life true to your stated priorities.
To check out the Powered Path Program, visit