Staying healthy while traveling

by | Guest Post, Health, Travel

Marcey looking at airport monitor

Staying on-point and motivated when you’re traveling or vacationing is the opposite of what you’re supposed to do, this is a precious part of the year when you should be enjoying yourself, relaxing and recouping. That doesn’t have to mean that the health and fitness goals that you’ve spent all year working towards are left behind.

Traveling in itself can be extremely tiring and dehydrating, from the flying to the transfers, to the opportunities to try new foods and activities, it can be a very fun yet fitness-compromising time. Two things that are especially important when you’re traveling are to stay hydrated and well rested. Being tired and thirsty is likely to make you feel hungrier than you really are, not only that you’re more likely to gain weight and feel lethargic, which isn’t a great combination when you’re trying to maintain a level of activity.

The following graphic put together by De Vere Hotels contains 8 simple yet practical things you can do to decrease the effects of travel on your body and remain fit and healthy:

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