I was recently in an amazing course led by Jerry Bergner called Life Business. If you are local to the area I highly recommend it. One of the things we looked at were the tasks, events and people in our lives and asked ourselves if we were getting energy from them or having it sucked away. Most of what I wrote was not surprising but it was interesting to see how many activities and people both gave and took energy from me.
Business Coach
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Do you have an A-Team?
Think for a moment….who is on your A-Team? Do you surround yourself with people you can learn from? Who are better than you at whatever aspect of your life you are trying to improve on, i.e.business, finance, public speaking, health?
Hotels Marketing to Women – Positive or Negative?
Looking at the two makeup remover towelettes made me think of an article a business traveler sent me this week. Some chains are starting to market to women business travelers but I can’t help but think that men are behind it in determining what woman want.
Talk Doesn’t Cook Rice
Talk Doesn't Cook Rice