At home do you….
Exercise, wind down at 8pm, make sure you eat at least one vegetable, stick to 1-2 cups of coffee, stop at one cookie, and stop checking email after 9?
When you travel do you…
Hit snooze, check email until 11pm, eat fast food, drink coffee all day long, take advantage of the corporate per diem at the bar, keep yourself awake by eating cookies all afternoon and forget what a vegetable is?
Travel Packing Lists
What items are you most likely to forget?
Your power cord? Underoos? A toothbrush?
Have you traveled all day without hangry snacks and wanted to fight someone for their peanuts?
Stop wingin’ it and use a list.
Rockin’ Your Beautiful: Health & Style Hacks for the Mobile Professional – Spreecast Edition!
Do you stare at your closet every morning and end up wearing the same ol’ boring outfit combo with the same ol’ jewelry?
Do you let yourself get so hungry that you become angry = Hangry?
Do you think there isn’t room for both a kick-ass outfit AND exercise clothes in your luggage?
Video Star Needs Her Hangry Snacks!
What was super important for me that day? Hangry snacks! We ran about two hours later than we thought we would, but thankfully I had packed my snacks. If I hadn’t, I may have been irritable, tired, and rushed to get the videos done. Do you have your Hangry snacks packed for the week in your car, luggage, purse or laptop case? Don’t rush your time with a client or make a gesture to the car beside you that you aren’t proud of.
Is the first item on your job description ‘Read and answer emails’? Unless you are in customer service, I bet it isn’t, however that’s what most people spend their day doing. Do you suck at the email drip? Do you let your email determine your day? Email is another person’s agenda.