Business travel isn’t part of your job. It’s a lifestyle.™
By the time I got off the plane at almost 1:00pm EST, I felt like someone had taken a hammer to my head while there was a wild animal eating its way out of my stomach, and, of course, I was supposed to drive directly to work at a site visit with my manager. In that moment, I knew that if I was going to survive in this business, I had to get it together. My travel, my nutrition, my exercise, my sleep, and my work had to be very focused.. There could be no more Marcey-induced spontaneity if I was going to have any hope to not end up a fat, frazzled business traveler that looked ten years older than I was, and burned out after two years on the road.
meal planning

Should you can your workout or your emails?
I’m not sure what kind of workout to do.
I don’t know how many reps, sets or the speed.
I think individual responses to every email is thoughtful.
Why use your brainspace? Can it.
How to eat healthy and get rid of the excuses.
You don’t have time to eat.
You don’t have time to prep.
Get rid of the excuses not to eat healthy.
Get your mouth out of the garbage can and Pomodoro that task!