You start work early and end work late.
You answer calls at all hours and even on weekends.
Wait….there’s an end to my work day when I work remotely?
You start work early and end work late.
You answer calls at all hours and even on weekends.
Wait….there’s an end to my work day when I work remotely?
Constant instant messaging.
Way too many emails.
When will they trust that I’m working remotely?
You work from home but you have no time to eat.
You work from home and you never shut down.
How can working from home be more distracting and less healthy?
When you let yourself become a Remote Working Robot.
I’m keeping my car insurance documents from three years ago….Justin Case.
I’m going to check my email…..Justin Case.
I’m buying a box of cake mix…..Justin Case.
Justin Case – get OUT OF MY LIFE!
The average person checks their phone 150 times a day.
The definition of slave according to Merriam-Webster:
A person who is strongly influenced by and controlled by something.
Did you just get a gut ache reading that? Or did a notification come in and you got distracted?
At home do you….
Exercise, wind down at 8pm, make sure you eat at least one vegetable, stick to 1-2 cups of coffee, stop at one cookie, and stop checking email after 9?
When you travel do you…
Hit snooze, check email until 11pm, eat fast food, drink coffee all day long, take advantage of the corporate per diem at the bar, keep yourself awake by eating cookies all afternoon and forget what a vegetable is?
Do you feel like there’s so much information that you can’t possibly keep up?
Do you cringe every time your friend says ‘did you see that post/click on that link/read that book?
Maybe you need an Information Vacation.
Are you ready to outsource some of that stress?
Are you ready to hand over the reins and stop working on $10 an hour tasks?
Are you afraid that no one, and I mean no one, can create a spreadsheet as well as you?
Give it up. Let it go.
Move in to your line of genius and hire an assistant.
How many times have you heard this or thought this yourself?
Do you feel like your friends, families or co-workers sabotage you?
Are you afraid you’ll lose your spontaneity and be licensed to a life of routine?
Do you think that you will never celebrate a birthday with a piece of cake or be able to work creatively because you’re on a schedule?
Enough already. Healthy people are fun. Productive people are fun. You’re just making excuses not to uplevel.