Being Hangry is no joke. Hungry + Angry is Hangry and Hangry is irritable, frustrated, unhealthy and unproductive. Assignment: Pack your luggage, car, briefcase, purse or murse with Hangry Snacks this week. Snacks that won’t perish, melt or freeze. Your children, coworkers, partner and clients will thank you.
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Is the first item on your job description ‘Read and answer emails’? Unless you are in customer service, I bet it isn’t, however that’s what most people spend their day doing. Do you suck at the email drip? Do you let your email determine your day? Email is another person’s agenda.
Super Organized or Organized Enough?
Are you spending an extra hour hyper-organizing or could you spend it doing something more productive? I think there needs to be a balance. At some point, there are diminishing returns for spending your time organizing and making things ‘just so’.