Are you a business traveler and spend all your time working because you are constantly catching up? Do you sacrifice sleep responding to one last...
How to be Safe in a Hotel
Have you ever left something in a hotel, never to be found again?
Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night by a stranger trying to get in your door?
Tips to protect yourself, stay safe and be smart in a hotel.
Five Ways You Can Take a Real Vacation
When was the last time you took vacation?
Did you check your inbox and your voice mail?
Did you take a work call on a cruise in the Mediterranean?
Did you feel overloaded when you left and more stressed when you came back?
Easy Holiday Packing for the On-The-Go Badass
Do you leave packing to the very last minute and end up staring at it while asking yourself, “what do I do now?”
No matter how often you travel, if you don’t have a strategy and the tools necessary to make packing a cinch, the experience can be an overwhelming and daunting task.
For this holiday season take all the yuck and “I don’t wanna!” out of loading your suitcase by following these three simple steps.
Party! Booze! Sugar! Business Travel Rocks!
At home do you….
Exercise, wind down at 8pm, make sure you eat at least one vegetable, stick to 1-2 cups of coffee, stop at one cookie, and stop checking email after 9?
When you travel do you…
Hit snooze, check email until 11pm, eat fast food, drink coffee all day long, take advantage of the corporate per diem at the bar, keep yourself awake by eating cookies all afternoon and forget what a vegetable is?
Travel Packing Lists
What items are you most likely to forget?
Your power cord? Underoos? A toothbrush?
Have you traveled all day without hangry snacks and wanted to fight someone for their peanuts?
Stop wingin’ it and use a list.
Underwear Workouts!
Underwear workouts? Did that get your attention? I’m not talking about bed business kind of workouts. I’m talking about actual exercise in your unders. I often hear from people who travel that they don’t want to take up any space in their luggage by packing exercise clothes, shoes or equipment.
Coming Home From Travel – Whose Chore is This?
How many of you come home from travel and get in discussions with your partner/spouse about what should be done while you are away?
Do you ever walk in the door and immediately start cleaning or tasking because stuff isn’t done?
Do you feel like your partner/spouse should have done this while you were away?
Marcey Rader Featured in Training Edge Magazine!
Training Edge Magazine, a quarterly electronic and hard copy magazine for fitness professionals developed by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, featured yours truly in an article about niche training (pages 3 and 11!). What’s my niche? Business travelers, mobile professionals and anyone who doesn’t sit at a desk from 9-5. Why? Because I’ve lived that life. I traveled weekly for almost eight years and then traveled a few times a month for another three. I understand that traveling for a business isn’t a job it’s a lifestyle.